If I Were A Lion by Rachael Vilburn

If I were a lion
Where would I roam
What kind of place
Would I choose for my home?
Would I lie in the jungle
And go sneaking about
When visitors came
Would I give them a shout
Would I choose the desert
Lie around in the sun
Roll around in the dirt
Until the day’s done
If I were a lion
I wouldn’t choose those
If you had to guess
What would you suppose
You guessed it
That’s right I’d be somebody’s pet
They could ride on my back
As though I were a jet.
I’d take them to school
We’d play out in the sun
We’d play hide-n-seek
We’d have so much fun!
If you were a lion
What would you do
Would you live in a home
Or stay in the Zoo?
Would you hide under the bed
Chase the monsters away
Be awake all night and then sleep all day?
I bet that they’d love having you in the house
As long as you don’t scream
At the sight of a mouse.
Would you cuddle and play
And wrestle the kids
You know they would love it
If that’s what you did.
You could play hide-n-seek
Ride bikes or climb trees
Be the coolest Lion
That anyone sees.

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