The Sea
THE clouds have gathered soon to-night,
They hang above the quiet sea,
And through the air a muffled sound
Is borne to me
From that dim island where the souls
Of all the Ages lie at rest;
It beats upon my throbbing brain
And troubled breast.
If thou wert standing on the shore
Beside me now, and held my hand,
I think that I should hear it plain
And understand
For there is one note in it all,
Which loud and clear has come to me,
And I have caught it in my heart
To tell to thee.
‘Eyes steadfast from the watch of worlds,
Hearts big with secrets of the spheres,
We have no power to move you now
With hopes or fears.’
‘No power,’ thy soul has filled my soul
Thy life has rounded all of mine,
Thy love has girt me with a strength
Which is divine.
And when that sound perchance one day
Comes to us with a mighty roll,
We two shall stand unmoved, and hear
And learn the whole.