Sitting at a window
In her cloak and hat,
I saw Mother Tabbyskins,
The real old cat!
Very old, very old,
Crumplety and lame;
Teaching kittens how to scold-
Is it not a shame?
Kittens in the garden
Looking in her face,
Learning how to spit and swear-
Oh, what a disgrace!
Very wrong, very wrong,
Very wrong and bad;
Such a subject for our song,
Makes all too sad.
Old Mother Tabbyskins,
Sticking out her head,
Gave a howl, and then a yowl,
Hobbled off to bed.
Very sick, very sick
Very savage too;
Pray send for a doctor quick-
Any one will do!
Doctor Mouse came creeping,
Creeping to her bed;
Lanced her gums and felt her pulse,
Whispered she was dead.
Very sly, very sly,
The real old cat
Open kept her weather eye-
Mouse! beware of that!
Old Mother Tabbyskins,
Saying ‘Serves him right,’
Gobbled up the doctor, with
Infinite delight.
Very fast, very fast
Very pleasant, too-
‘What a pity it can’t last!
Bring another, do!’
Doctor Dog comes running,
Just to see her begs;
Round his neck a comforter,
Trousers on his legs.
Very grand, very grand-
Golden-headed cane
Swinging gaily from his hand,
Mischief in his brain!
‘Dear Mother Tabbyskins,
And how are you now?
Let me feel your pulse-so,so;
Show your tongue-bow,wow!
Very ill, very ill,
Please attempt to purr;
Will you take a draught or pill?
Which do you prefer?
Ah, Mother Tabbyskins,
Who is now afraid?
Of poor little Doctor Mouse
You a mouthful made.
Very nice, very nice
Little doctor he;
But for Doctor Dog’s advice
You must pay the fee.
Doctor Dog comes nearer,
Says she must be bled;
I heard Mother Tabbyskins
Screaming in her bed.
Very near, very near,
Scuffling out and in;
Doctor Dog looks full and queer-
Where is Tabbyskin?
I will tell the Moral
Without any fuss:
Those who lead the young astray
Always suffer thus.
Very nice, very nice,
Let our conduct be;
For all doctors are not mice,
Some are dogs, you see!