Three dogs went out for a promenade
All on a summer’s day;
There was Mr. Dog, and Mrs. Dog,
And little Doggie Tray.
And as they walked down the crowded street,
They were proud as proud could be,
For they were dressed in their very best,
As every one could see.
But a mischievous cat on the sidewalk stood,
No coat, no hat had she;
So she laughed at the dress and the pompousness
Of the dog and his family.

Mr. Dog growled deep, and sprang at the cat,
And chased her up and down,
With an angry cry, and a flashing eye,
Throughout the wondering town.
But he tripped in his haste against a stone,
And fell in the slippery street,
And when he arose, lo! his stylish clothes
Were mud from head to feet.
And Mrs. Dog, when she saw his plight,
With horror swooned away,
And sank right down, with her silken gown,
On a heap of soft red clay.
Wee Baby Dog was in sad distress;
He sought for his cap in vain;
His kilt was torn, he was all forlorn,
And his tears fell down like rain.
But the roguish cat at her fireside sat,
And thought of her fun that day;
And she jumped and danced, and purred and pranced,
At the doggies running away.