Coming of Age A Poem by James McDonald

Our lives are like the season change
To each, in time, it all shall pass
Roaming free upon the open range
Subject to whims like the blades of grass

In Spring is where we start our life
Arising new to the breaking dawn
In mother’s arms we’re free from strife
A bliss filled time hearing angel’s songs

There’s much to learn in this infant state
To walk, to talk, to sing about
With help from others we learn our fate
We learn not to fight or ever shout

We gather friends and meet our foes
We’re taught the kind and caring ways
We never think of far off snows
We spend our time in an immortal haze

Then Summer comes with its longer light
And work begins for our fragile hands
We learn our industry through the night
We travel off to foreign lands

And then there comes feelings anew
A Passion never felt before
We meet a love and say I do
And what once was two is now so much more

It is a time of growth for us to use
To push this world to a better place
Working late we pay our dues
Wholly aware of this mortal race

But before too long a leaf floats by
The fall has come to fill our time
The colors change in the trees and sky
We question if we’ve left our prime

Now kids of kids have come to us
It seems we are the wisest ones
We pass to them a growing trust
And teach them of the setting suns

It is in this time that we come to know
What our words and deeds have done before
It is in this time that we meet the snow
That we understand life’s two way door

And finally Winter’s bony hand
Has come to rest upon our head
No longer counting time with sand
We understand what’s born, is dead

We continue on to do our best
Greeting unknown fears with a smiling face
Each passing day brings a physical test
When walking feels like we’re in a race

And soon enough we pass on through
A door we entered long ago
We began not knowing what to do
And now, with others, lay in a row

So do not fear the coming winter time
That’s not what this is all about
Rejoice in life and all sublime
And face your fears without a doubt

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